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Antenatal Care

From preconception health care through the pregnancy period, we are experienced in providing GP care for a healthy and happy pregnancy. The HSE offers free Antenatal Care for all expectant mothers who are ordinarily resident in Ireland. Once your pregnancy is confirmed or suspected, it is best to arrange a booking visit to get the care started. We will discuss with you the options of public and private Obstetric or Midwife care via the Maternity Hospitals and we will refer you appropriately.

We will offer you 5-6 free appointments during the pregnancy for routine checkups, and more if there is a medical need for it. We will also offer you a Pertussis (Whooping cough) booster when you are between 16-36 weeks, as it is recommended in all pregnancies to protect your baby after they’re born.

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Our Primary Care Includes

  • Personalised Health Assessments
  • Vaccinations
  • Comprehensive Health Screenings
  • Convenient Minor Procedures
  • Preventive and wellness care
  • Family-Focused Medicine
  • Chronic Disease Management